Our Coach of the Month is Shanice McPherson “Coach M”, who is a Physical Education teacher from Hirsh Academy in Phoenix, AZ.
Shanice is from Manchester, Jamaica and came to the United States at 17 on a Track and Field scholarship with New Mexico Highlands University to study Human Performance and Sports with a minor in Health. She’s a graduate of Northern Arizona University with a Master's degree in ESL and Bilingual Education.
Shanice has a passion for health and living an active lifestyle and wants to teach her students the importance of adopting healthy habits for life at a young age. For the past two years, she has seen change in her students' lives. Thanks to the amazing partnership between Healthy LIfeStars and Hirsh; Shanice believes that Healthy LifeStars is well-rounded in terms of learning the theory before the practical.
The LifeStar Student of the Month is Abigail. Abigail actively participates in everything FitClub related and is now active at home by doing fit slips (which entails what activity they do, duration, and parents signature), listening attentively during meetings, and helping others. Hirsch prides itself with core values of teaching students to be all around individuals so that they become great citizens in the future, Abigail is a true testament of it.